Monday, March 31, 2008

Rainy Days and Nothing Much New

Not much going on today. This weekend was pretty normal (read: boring) as well. We ate dinner with my mom and step-dad on Friday night and then on Saturday afternoon we ate ham and rolls with WWH’s family to celebrate his dad’s 76th birthday. It all worked out fine. Some of the family played bingo, some did not. We were the did nots. We went to our friends house and tried to build a jigsaw puzzle that was a picture of Jerry Garcia. The only problem with that is that it was in black and white and each puzzle piece was a picture of Jerry or the band or whatever. It was a mosiac puzzle , so there are no distinct colors or lines in the puzzle to build it. I was cursed at quite a bit for the hour we worked on it, because I was the one who bought it for birthday gift. Then the four of us put the puzzle away and we played some cards for last bit of the evening. Sunday was boring household chores and just some lazing around.

Tonight we are watching part 4 of “John Adams”, an HBO mini-series. Like I said, nothing exciting at all.

Please send out your prayers for “Confessions of a CF Husband”. They thought they were getting a new pair of lungs this past weekend, but they did not work out. Check it out HERE.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Weekend Plans - Keller Birthdays

On iTunes today: Nothing
Gas Prices: $3.35

Not much going on today. Tonight is what I’m waiting for. We are going out with my parents tonight for dinner at The Quilted Bear. It’s a nice place and they serve good steak and seafood. Surf & Turf ! My Fav!

It is also my FIL’s birthday today. The IL’s are famous for their last-minute “Let’s get everyone together for _______ !”. Usually we change our plans or are just so boring that we don’t have any plans so we usually attend these last-minute get-togethers. Unfortunately, not this time. WWH should know the birthdays of his mother and father. I know mine! So when I scheduled this dinner with my folks, it was almost 3 weeks ago and when I asked WWH if that date was okay, he should’ve known better - A light bulb should have gone off - right?

So all week, I’ve been waiting for someone from WWH’s family to call us and say “Hey, it’s dad’s birthday this Friday, we should all go out to dinner or something…”. And all week, I’ve been dreading the idea of telling them that we already had plans.

So, what happens? You guessed it. WWH’s brother calls last night and says, “Hey it’s dad’s birthday tomorrow, we should take a cake over to their house on Saturday before they go play bingo to celebrate. What do you think?” Of course, since we don’t have any plans (I told you, we’re boring) for Saturday we are forced to say okay. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that we dodged a bullet there. We can do Saturday – whew!

So, all day long I’ve been dreaming of haystack onion rings, steak and lobster, and my mother’s buy-1-get-1 coupons (God Bless her coupons!). So, guess who emails me? Yep! It’s WWH’s sister the planner of all planners. She’s great about organizing get-togethers, splitting and collecting the money for a large check (when the Keller’s go out, we are a group of 10+), she’s the super organizer of all things Keller-related. Only one problem: These are her parents too! We were just together all of us for Easter, why wasn’t anything brought up then? I get an email from her at 2:15 (2:15 TODAY!) asking if we were stopping over at “dads” house tonight. I told her of our plans tonight and she emailed me back telling me that she totally forgot her dad’s birthday this year. I am shocked by that, especially from her! So she is trying to get everyone’s plans so we can all be there together. I suggested Hot Ham and Rolls (a Milwaukee staple) before they go play bingo. That will be nice. We could even pay for his bingo sheets as a present! I’m brilliant! I know!

Have a great and safe weekend!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pontoons and Movie Review

On iTunes today: Paul McCartney
Gas Prices: $3.35

What I thought would be a very slow day at work, picked up and I was actually pretty busy all day. I love those days.

After I got into work this am, my mom sent me pictures that my brother forwarded. If you don’t already know this, my brother and I don’t talk anymore. Don’t feel bad for me, I chose this path and for right now, it’s the right path. But of course my mother sill keeps me informed of things that happen. She knows I love him but that I just don’t like him much right now. Anyway, back to the story.

So I have this picture in my inbox today at work and I almost spit out the soda I was drinking at the time.

I didn’t mean to laugh, but I couldn’t help it! I did hear about this earlier so I guess I already knew that no one was hurt and that although my brother is out one pontoon boat, and it really sucks, it really is kind of funny. I mean how did that guy land ON TOP of the pontoon?!? There are trees all over the place near the road I guess he just missed the trees by a few inches. Of course the guy was drunk! I can’t believe you even asked that question! He fled the scene, but the drunkard left the car behind. He was pretty easy to find I bet. How shitty is that? It just plain sucks.

On a lighter note, we did have date-night last night and we watched a movie so here’s the review:

Into The Wild:
This is a movie written by Sean Penn and Jon Krakauer. If you are not familiar with Jon Krakauer he was the guy who wrote “Into Thin Air” about his harrowing experiences climbing Mt. Everest. Into the Wild is a true story about a young man named Chris McCandless who graduates college and leaves his comfortable and semi-tortured family life behind and takes off first by car and then by foot. He burns his money, his credit cards, social security card, drivers license and doesn’t tell a soul where he is going or that he is leaving. After meeting some interesting characters (are they real or Hollywood?) along the way, he eventually makes it up to Alaska and lives in the wild for over 2 months before dying. He leaves behind a journal to recount his last days and most of the movie is guided along by what seems to be a recollection of his sister’s thoughts during the time he went missing. It’s a sad movie at the end but I liked it. All 180 minutes of it!
3.75 out of 5

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Movie Reviews

We did watch a few movies last weekend. Here are my reviews:

Love in the Time of Cholera:
Bleh. I didn’t like this movie at all. Let me explain further. I’m not a big fan of period films, especially if they are romance movies. But this one was available “now” on Netflix so it was shipped. It stars only two people (Benjamin Bratt and Javier Bardem) I’ve even heard of but I liked the acting all the way around. I just didn’t like the story or maybe it’s said better as I didn’t think the story deserved 2+ hours to be told. It’s about a man (Bardem), who meets a beautiful young girl (Givanna Mezzogiomo). She rejects him and ends up married to another man (Bratt). It goes on from there showing how they each lived their lives separately. Blah, super boring for me. Sorry to the romance fans out there. This just didn’t do it for me.
1 out of 5

Across The Universe:
I didn’t think I was going to like this movie. I thought, “A Musical? I won’t like this.” But I really did like it! After listening to the American Idol contestants rape and brutalize the Beatles songs, it was nice to herar some great renditions of these classics. I recognized a few names, Evan Rachel Woods for one. I was like, “That girl from ‘Thirteen’ can sing?” But YES, yes, she can! It’s about a boy from Liverpool who comes to America during the 60’s and meets this girl (Woods) and they sing their way through Draft Notices, Anti-War protests, first loves, etc. The songs are sung very well by some very talented people.
3 out of 5

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Random Thoughts

On iTunes today: Nothing, not in the mood for anything I have on my computer.
Gas Prices: I bought gas in Mayville, WI on Easter Sunday and it was $3.39/gal. Here in Milwaukee, it’s hovering around $3.23/gal

18.5 inches! That is the final snow total for the city I live in on Good Friday. We were the highest in the Metro Milwaukee area – yippee! NOT!

Winter Storm Watch – All day Thursday – up to 6 more inches! You’ve GOT to be kidding!

Easter recap: We drove an hour to a bar/restaurant, we ate for about a ½ hour (food was very good, it surprised us all) and then we drove an hour home. End of story.

I have some sort of flu bug and it aint the cold kind of flu! I’ll leave it at that.

Tonight it’s groceries and home, if I can make through the grocery store without pooping in my pants – okay, okay, I said no more and I promised I wouldn’t – so sue me!

Work is pretty slow today and I’ve asked everyone around me if they need help and it seems they are all in the same boat as me.

We got our State Refund back today. I am going to Home Depot to pick out some paint for our living room. We need to paint – there is a country blue on the walls and I don’t like it. I want something more contemporary. This will get us one step closer to our hardwood floors!

Sometimes I daydream about being my cat. He certainly has the life. Except the licking his pooper part.

I have a $50.00 gift certificate to Crate and Barrel that we got for our wedding (almost 11 months ago) and I can’t decide what to do with it! Every time I look at the website, I change my mind.

We are going out to eat with my mom and her husband (step-pops to me) on Friday night.

I hope you have a better day than me!

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Cousin and her need of help

If you can help, thank you!

A letter from my cousin:

I am once again doing the Great Strides walk to help raise funds for a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. I am asking each of you if you would be willing to donate even $5 for this cause. Every little bit helps. Also, if you can forward this on to your friends, family, co-workers, etc. that would help us get even further. You may also be able to ask your employers if they provide matching gifts. Please go to the website if you'd like to donate or join my team to walk (please leave a comment and I will forward you the address.) I truly have a stake in this as I've had this disease my entire life. I always was pretty mild and able to do anything I've ever wanted to do. As my life progressed, so did the disease. My lungs are getting worse, I'm less capable of doing things that used to come easy to me and I'm finding it really hard to stay strong enough to fight this fight I call life. Of course the love and support of family and friends helps me stay strong and helps me fight, but the research itself is also a vital part of living. This is not "Just a Fundraiser" to me, it's my life. So, please, consider donating any amount that you can to help us find a cure for this miserable disease and help CF stand for CURE FOUND.

Just a little bit to help you see what someone with this disease has to go through on a daily basis to help you understand. This last week and a half I was in the hospital with pneumonia and a "flare up." Being in the hospital consists of IV drug treatments, a high calorie diet, respiratory therapy, lots of lab work, breathing tests, procedures, stress, no sleep, etc. To give you an idea, this is what my "typical day" consists of:

Wake up at about 4:30am to start IV therapy. That first "round" goes until about 8 or 9 am. I either then try to go back to sleep or do some of my other treatments. I have to do my vest treatment which shakes my chest to loosen up the mucus in my lungs to help prevent further infection. This takes about 30 minutes and should be done twice, if not more, each day. I then need to take my other pills that aren't administered via IV. This consists of about ten other medications and inhalers. I also have nebulizer treatments that I have to do in addition to the rest of this which can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes. I have IV meds again from about noon to either 3 or 4 and then I have a break again for another eight hours.

A new thing I came home with this time is steroid induced or Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes. What this means for me is testing my blood sugars multiple times a day and giving myself insulin if need be. Not to mention making sure my blood sugar is also not too low where I have to get something in my system ASAP. This has been a real adjustment as I've never had to worry about this before. Let me tell you, it's not fun to have to poke yourself with needles multiple times a day and have to give yourself shots. Along with this, I am supposed to be eating as much as I possibly can because I'm supposed to be working on gaining 20 pounds. I had dropped a lot of weight this year and was told that if I couldn't gain the weight on my own that I would need to get a feeding tube. I was told it would help me get the necessary calories I would need to help get my weight up and keep me feeling strong. Being a female in this day and age and being told to gain weight is not easy. I'm having a really difficult time with this and am really trying to work with everyone, but I'm struggling. Because I was that sick and I wasn't gaining the weight, I got a feeding tube while I was in this last time. It was rather scary for me because I didn't want something else to help make this disease "real." I try to live my life as normally as possible and this was just something else that helped prove that my life is far from "normal." Not to mention because my lungs were so compromised from being sick, they were a bit concerned about having to put me under anesthesia and me not waking up well from it. They decided to go ahead with the procedure and I did almost end up being intubated and ending up in ICU for the night. However, they decided to use something called a "Bipap" machine to help apply positive pressure to my breathing and that seemed to help. I'm not completely understanding of what this machine does quite yet, but it's another new development that I've come home with. If you ever want to see what a medical supply warehouse looks like, just stop by sometime. :) Anyway, I now have the feeding tube and am supposed to give myself feedings while I sleep to help me gain the weight. Now, in true Nicki fashion, my tube is not working the way it's supposed to be, so I need to stop in and have it checked. So... eating as much during the day is still a priority, but I can now give myself supplemental feedings through the tube if need be. Although... you can also drink beer through that thing, so I guess there are some positives. :) J/k of course!

After my last IV drug treatments, I shake one more time, do my nebulizer for the night and take my other night time meds. I check my insulin one or more times and have a late night snack if need be or if wanted. Then I have to give myself a "feeding" through my tube, apply my bipap machine and try to get some sleep. My last drug is administered at either 10 or 11pm so that doesn't leave me much time to sleep between my night and morning doses.

So...that's a day in the life of Nicki at the moment. It's a bit of a job in itself and is quite overwhelming and stressful. I am trying to cope with it the best that I can, but I can certainly say that I've been awfully scared, humble and just plain exhausted these last few weeks. I absolutely appreciate all of the thoughts, prayers, flowers, gifts, visits and phone calls. That helps more then anyone can know. I am truly blessed with great family and friends in my life and I can honestly say that I don't think I would've made it this far with out all of you. I try to keep a smile on my face as much as I possibly can, but it's certainly getting harder with the disease progression and the new adjustments. Please consider donating to my team and help us find a cure. You can also join our team to walk as we can always use more team members.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Welcome Spring - Don't Mention the 14" of Snow!

Can you even believe it? 14" is what we are expecting today! Our snow was almost gone from our world and now 14" more is coming. It started at 6am today and I am stuck at work in near-whiteout conditions. We are all hoping against hope that they (the powers that be) will make a wise choice and let us try to get home before we are stuck here all weekend!

35mph winds, tons of snow, cold temps, not a good start for the first full day of spring!

I hope you all have a great weekend! We will be shoveling out and maybe watching some movies, so hopefully some reviews will be coming on Monday.

Take care! Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A little history

First off, thank you so much to my first commenters! I am so excited to have a comment! I thank you for your kind words and you helped me get the courage up to contact my cousin. Hopefully it won’t be so many years between conversations.

Well, I did finally get through to my cousin. (We’ll call her N) She is home but a bit overwhelmed with the equipment and new meds she’s on, including a new feeding tube. But she said she was better today and happy to home.

I didn’t want to keep her on the phone too long, her parents were there I didn’t want to bother her. I felt so weird chatting with her after so many years! But I’m glad I called and she gave me her email address and I’ve already sent her an email – of course – with pictures of my new husband and pictures of my son and even my mom. She hasn’t seen any of us in years.

You see she’s not really my cousin by blood. Her dad and my dad were best of friends when they were kids and in high school and even after that. They always claimed to be blood brothers, because they swapped blood when they were little boys. I was always told I was part Polish because of this event! ☺ They were always so fun together, my dad and Uncle J were always joking around. Uncle J was even my Godfather! I loved spending time with him and he always made me laugh. I have such wonderful memories of going up to his cabin for summer vacations and just having a ball. Uncle J and his wife Auntie B, taught us how to water ski and I got my love of fishing from those wonderful times up north. So many hours fishing under the train tressels for bluegills and sunfish.

When I was 18 or 19, my parents split up. I was mostly out of the house and so into myself that I didn’t care, and frankly I was glad they were splitting up, it was not so great between them. But without getting into details – because details are what got me into trouble with my last blog - my dad got Uncle J (and family) in the divorce. Do you understand? It’s like people took sides. Maybe that’s not how it was but that’s how it looked to me as a young-adult anyway. Now I realize that it was probably just a matter of loyalty, but I missed my uncle J. It’s hard to write about because it’s really so sad how all of a sudden, we just didn’t talk to them anymore. I wish now I would’ve kept in touch.

So for many years, we (meaning my mom, me and my brother) didn’t hear from him/them much. But my brother – somehow, I don’t know the details – met up with Uncle J’s son, also a “J”, so we’ll call him J Jr. My brother and J Jr. forged a pretty strong friendship and he has stayed in touch with everyone since. He fills me and my mom in on important details, but for the most part, we still never really talk.

I was so nervous when I finally got to talk to her. Would she think I was a super-freak for calling out of the blue like this? Would she understand when I told her I was thinking about so her so much lately because of Nate and Tricia? Does she read blogs? Would she think I was strange for being so touched by them? I didn’t know but she was very gracious on the phone and I hope she responds to my email. I would really like to reconnect with her and her family.

Thank you readers, you gave me the gumption to do something good….I have chickened out on awkward situations before, but I did it this time and I’m so happy I did.

I’ll keep you updated.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Slipping and CF

On My iTunes Today: Dino, The Essential Dean Martin
Gas Prices: Still hovering at $3.29

I’m back! I was out of work yesterday and didn’t have a chance to post. I took what I thought to be a very little slip on the driveway on Monday morning and by Monday night my back/neck/left shoulder was so sore! I woke up on Tuesday morning and couldn’t move my head or neck at all! I was shocked that such a little slip could cause so much pain! I spent the majority of the day yesterday on the couch with the heating pad and taking some Advil. I wish I had some painkillers or muscle relaxers!

I am back at work today with a very sore back/neck but glad I came back because I had a lot of work waiting for me. I enjoy my job and love the company I work for but the amount of work I currently have is way to low for me. I hate missing work when there is actually something for me to do!

I did watch movies yesterday but only a DVD I own. Nothing new. I am supposed to get some movie tonight and tomorrow, so more movie reviews are coming.

We filed our income tax papers on Monday night. WWH’s sister does them for the family and then sends them via TurboTax online. I can’t wait to get our return. We are getting approximately $1000.00 less back now that we are married and not filing separate single returns but, still a nice chunk of ching-a-ling for our “hardwood floor fund”.

I am still treading on the mill every other day. I am thinking of taking the night off (a night I should be treading) because of my neck but I think I will give it a try and see how it goes before making any decisions.

Because of my unexpected day off yesterday, I did get to spend some time with my son who only goes to school from 9-12am each day. So I get a few hours with him and it was nice to spend some time (not bickering) together.

I also got some sad news on Saturday. My cousin is suffering from complications from CF (Cystic Fibrosis). From my mother, who heard it from my brother, she is in the hospital awaiting a lung transplant. It’s strange that this should come up right now, as I’ve been thinking of her a lot lately. I haven’t seen her in a very long time but my brother is close with her brother and we would sometimes hear tidbits about her health. I think the reason she’s been at the front of my mind lately is because I started reading Confessions of a CF Husband and am just hooked on their story of inspiration and love. I used to run for CF (when I was young and in shape!) but haven’t done anything lately and since I don’t hear from her, it was kind of in the back of my head just lingering. With the Confessions blog and hearing the troubling news on Saturday, I want to contact her and tell her I am thinking of her but I’m not sure how to get in touch with her. I asked my brother to get me an address to send a card, but I haven’t heard back from him.

If anyone out there is in tight with the Big Guy, please send out a prayer to my cousin. I’m sure every little bit helps.

I’ll keep you up to date as I find things out.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mostly Movies

So, the weekend was fun! We spent a lot of time just relaxing and enjoying the time together but the big day was Saturday for WWH. He spent the day with one of his brothers and his dad and they took him go-karting. He LOVED it. Then I took him out to dinner at our favorite Mexican place called Botannas. After dinner we went to the bar that has the 4 mini-bowling lanes and waited for our friends and family to arrive. We had about 20 people show (I promise, pictures coming). I had to keep score all night so I was concentrating on that and totally forgot to take some pictures. But I did get a few!

We watched FOUR movies during the weekend, so that will be the majority of my post today.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium:
A cute kids movie. Not the best I’ve ever seen but some cute characters played by Dustin Hoffman (Mr. Magorium) and Natalie Portman (Mahoney) and the star, an unknown (in my book) by the name Zack Mills. The basic plot of the movie is about Mr. Magorium’s toy store and who he will leave it too when he “leaves the earth”. He is after all 243 years old! I think kids 12 and under will really like this movie.
2.5 out of 5

The Brave One:
Starring Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard this is a dark movie. It’s hard to watch, the beating scene was pretty horrible but I think it had to be done that way so that we believe or understand why Jodie Foster’s character starts taking the law into her own hands. I’ve seen Terrence Howard in a few movies lately and I’m really starting to dig him. He’s so understated in his acting and it really works for me. So, for t
he plot, Jodie Foster and her fiancée are walking their dog in Central Park and get brutally attacked. A changed woman, Erica Bain (Foster) tries to get back to work in an NPR-like radio gig but the anger and hurt start to transform her into a vigilante.
3.5 out of 5

August Rush:
This has got to be the sappiest movie I’ve ever seen. A feel-good movie starring Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and Freddie Highmore, along with a supporting character played by guess who? – Terrence Howard of course! Here’s the plot: Two young musicians meet, fall in love, and then are separated by an dominating father, the Atlantic Ocean and time. Meanwhile a child abandoned at an orphanage lives his live through music because he feels it’s the way back to his parents. Robin Williams also has a supporting role and it’s a bad guy, I didn’t like the character so Williams hit the mark. My son and I kept rolling our eyes (it’s our thing) when a movie goes above and beyond our tolerance level for anything. This time, they were rolling because of the schmaltz. - just too much of it and far to predictable for me to enjoy. Others may love this movie but for me it’s like The English Patient – Bleck – what was everyone gushing about?
1.5 out of 5

Dan in Real Life:
I saved the best for last. I really am starting to have a crush on Steve Carell. I loved him in “Little Miss Sunshine” and “Evan Almighty” but not a huge fan of “The Office”. My son is a HUGE fan of that TV show and constantly tries to get me to watch the episodes on our DVR. I think he is way too goofy on that show and I really like him in a more serious role. As for the plot: Dan is a widow with three girls and he’s been alone since his wife’s death because he’s had such a hard time getting over her. During a family outing (do they ever say why everyone is getting together?) at his parents house (played by Dianne Wiest and John Mahoney) he meets this woman that just opens him up and lights his soul back on fire. They part not knowing if they will ever see each other again but of course they will, as she is the latest girlfriend of his younger brother. Hilarity ensues. Very heartfelt and funny from his relationships with his daughters to his close-knit, nosey family I loved every second of this film.
4.25 out of 5

Friday, March 14, 2008

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Today on iTunes: Led Zeppelin – Mothership
Temp – 46 degrees. (It made it into the 50’s yesterday!)
Gas Prices - $3.29! Holy Crap! I’m so glad I bought me a mini car last year!

Well, it’s finally Friday and my ass is just dragging through the day. At 8:00am I said to myself, “Only 8 more hours to go!” and I’ve been counting down since. Only 4 more to go now!

This weekend is WWH’s birthday. He will be 39 on Sunday. As I stated before, we are going mini-bowling on Saturday night and Sunday I am treating him to a shopping spree at Northern Tool. Oh yes! I said Northern Tool.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned his obsession with snowmobiles and all things Arctic Cat. I knew this before we got hitched so I am kind of used to it by now, and frankly, birthday presents have come easily to me for the past 3 years – anything Arctic Cat and I’m golden. But now I’ve bought him tons of shirts and other Arctic Cat stuff so I am at a loss as to what to get him this year. He needs a new cover for his snowmobile(s) but it’s a pricey item and well over our agreed birthday budgets. So since he just bought himself a new air-compressor for his workshop (a.k.a. – our garage) I thought he might need some pneumatic tools to go along with this compressor. But what do I buy? So I will let him have a shopping spree at the tool store. Not the most exciting store for me but super fun for him – and that will in-turn, be fun for me. I’m a pretty darn cool wifey – aren’t I?

I also booked a suite at the casino we like for our 1st anniversary. We were going to rent the same cabin we stayed in for our honeymoon but they wanted $150/night! That’s ridiculous! I called the casino and they wanted $100.00/night for a Suite! I booked the suite of course! No cleaning, no dishes, hells to the yes!

Tonight, I am looking forward to dinner and a movie. I should have some movie reviews for you on Monday when I return.

Also, been treading every other day like my Doctor told me, and I kind of like it. I have other health problems I’m dealing with now – more on that cramp – oh, I mean crap next week.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I vowed I'd never watch Idol

On iTunes: The Beatles – The White Album
Temperature today: 43 degrees again! I can’t wait to see a daffodil or tulip
Powerball Lotto: 270 Million!

I made a promise to a work-friend that I would actually watch an entire season of American Idol. I have never done so before. I have always watched the freak-show that is the auditions, but not being so much into pop music, I have never ventured further into the show and always relied on my mom to keep me up to date once someone won. I also didn’t like the fact that the American public chose the winner. I mean, talk about silly, letting the public pick a winner? They can’t elect the “right” candidate let alone pick the next pop train-wreck, Brit wannabe.

But I was talking to this friend and he told me that he and his co-workers actually place bets and join pools to pick the finalists. That got my attention. If I’m anything, I’m a gambler. I love to gamble, join pools, I play the lottery (Powerball is up to 270 Million!) and actually think I may win someday! So I thought, why not, there were some pretty cool auditions and I wondered how far some of these people would go so I promised my co-worker friend that I would watch and I am. It is really painful sometimes. I must admit to flipping channels if I don’t like the song/singer/arrangement.

So far, it’s been all right. Some good singers, some good surprises and since they are using the Lennon & McCartney songbook this season, it’s been interesting to see some of these guys takes on the songs. I haven’t seen anyone just knock one out of the park yet, but they are repeating the theme this next week, so maybe we’ll get something special then.

I thought Kristy Lee Cook would get the boot, so here it starts, where the public starts to let me down. David Hernandez wasn’t going to last much longer so he won’t be missed, but if Kristy doesn’t lay it down next week, she will be history. Even forgetting lyrics and really messing up a song won’t get you kicked off of Idol. David Archuletta (who is my mom’s favorite – she saw him on Star Search and loved him then-whatever!). Really had a bad night and it was horrible to watch someone lose it that bad on national/world-wide television but it’s like the car-wreck on the side of the freeway….you just can’t help but look.

Early picks for AI:
David Cook – what a great rocker dude!
Carly Smithson – Great voice, will go far!

Long shots for AI:
Amanda Overmeyer – A one-trick pony as my mother would say. A Janis Joplin wannabe.

Ramiele Malubay – Check the attitude, your “BFF” Danny Noriega wasn’t that good. You are way better, but we haven’t seen it in the past two weeks. You better blow us away or you are gone.

Michael Johns: My Aussie Hunk. You are adorable and your Queen song ROCKED but you’ve left a bad taste in my mouth ever since, rock it out this next week or you might find yourself in the bottom 3.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I love my cat - most days

I love this! I've seen it before but I laughed again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Outsider(s)

On my iTunes today: Eddie Vedder – Into the Wild soundtrack
Gas Prices on the move: $3.19/gallon
Weather: A balmy 39 degrees

Today we went out to eat with some our Customer Service Reps from the company that does most of our printing. We went to a Mexican restaurant called Pedro’s. It was fair to good, nothing horrible but the Margarita’s were ½ off on Tuesday’s during lunch. Now, me personally, I don’t like to drink at lunchtime. I really don’t like to drink much anymore at all. But I don’t care if my co-workers partake. The only time I’ve ever seen them drink is 1 glass of wine or one small Margarita. Fine with me. Can’t get too drunk on that small amount but I think they worry that if I’m the only one that is not drinking, I will be the one to tell or tattle. First of all, what is there to tell? Did they get all sloshed? No! Of course not! I doubt they could function without being noticed if they were sloshed. I’ve noticed since I’ve started here that there is a “group” of people, very similar to a clique in high school that likes to go out for a liquid lunch twice a year, I’ve never been invited because I think they know I don’t drink and somehow they’ve turned that into me not approving. Me not drinking is my choice and just that, a choice. I choose not to drink because I am old now and even a single drink would make me sleepy and I’m really afraid to fall asleep at my desk! I am not George Costanza from Seinfeld! I do not have a secret sleeping area under my desk! I wish I did, but I don’t.

This clique at work has bothered me since I started. I came from a workplace where I was in the clique. Now I’m the outsider and it’s hard to deal with actually. They are nice to your face but all of a sudden you are the only one left in the department when they all decide to go to lunch. Or you are sitting at your desk and all of a sudden someone comes in with food for everyone in the department except you (and maybe 2 other people they have decided are not worthy to be in their clique). I’ve talked to others in my company about the weird goings on in my department and they’ve all told me the same thing: Do you really WANT to hang out with these people outside of work? The answer is NO. They are okay and all but just not the type of people I would go looking for as friends. I also wondered if it was me. And although I have a very strong personality and sometimes clash with people who don’t know me, I’ve known these people for almost 4 years and it’s still the same thing. I’ve made really good work relationships with others in my company, but just not my own department. It’s hard to be a team when you are made to feel like an outsider on a regular basis.

Speaking of Outsiders, I subscribe to, a service that sends you short reads every day of books in categories that you get to choose. For instance, I get Mystery, Fiction and Good News books sent to me. It’s a great way to take a sneak peek at books before you purchase. A new category called Classics was sent to me today and they are featuring “The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton”. I read that book back in high school and saw the movie of course (all those hunks? I course I saw it!). So it was nice for me to take another look at the photos from the movie and read the first 14 pages of the book. I might just have to read it again! Take a look at these photos, look at how young all these guys are! It came out in 1983, the same year I graduated high school so I really remember swooning over many of the boys in the movie. Again with the cliques. Although I doubt the “Greasers” from the book would like to be referred to as a clique!

Have a great afternoon.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekend Update and Movie Reviews

Why on earth do we switch time for Daylight Savings? I mean, I know why we do it, but I just don’t like it. I like that it will be lighter at night and spring is just around the corner (The 20th is the Vernal Equinox) but really, must we steal hours from my sleep each year? And why is it, that year after year I like it less and my body takes longer for it to adjust?

Enough of that noise. On to less angry topics. Like what I did for the weekend. Friday night was a nice night. I went to bed early, slept in late (both the guys were gone in my house) and enjoyed the peace and quiet of my home until around noon on Saturday. My son came home after working but was only there for a few minutes because his uncle took him shopping for the last two Christmas holidays. Don’t ask why my brother didn’t buy him presents in a more timely manner, it’s my brother. After coming home with a bunch of stuff, we watched a couple of movies, it was nice spending time together, we so rarely have the time anymore.

Sunday I lost an hour of sleep so I woke up all out of sorts. Then I went shopping with an old friend. She’s a cop now for the City of Milwaukee and I haven’t heard from her in months. I’ve sent emails and called, but she never responded. I started getting worried but she finally called me back on Friday and we made plans for Sunday. Just a quick trip through Target – yeah, right! – a 100 dollars later and we were off to lunch. We dined at Panera, the best sandwich shop in town and then back home.

Now it’s Monday and y’all know I don’t like Mondays, and this one is especially hard because I felt like I slept a whole 2.5 hours and am at a job where there isn’t enough work right now so I am bored….blah blah blah…that's all I've got for you today - and what I did give you was pretty meaningless. I will try harder tomorrow. Staring at a blank page day after day is very daunting. I'm glad I don't write for a living!

Here are the movie reviews for the weekend:

Eye of the Beholder:
Recommended by my mother and sorry, mom, but we don’t always agree in our tastes – big shocker isn’t it? Anyway, it starred Ewan McGregor and Ashley Judd and was made back in 2000. It’s about this whacked-out woman who goes around killing men and the agent (of what? FBI? CIA? I don’t think you ever find out) that is following her and then falls in love with this whack-job. I didn’t like it. My 19-year old son and I kept glancing at each other and rolling our eyes. I did like seeing K.D. Lang as the agent’s contact at headquarters. I she was pretty good in her limited role. I didn’t even know she tried acting. Don’t bother with this one.
1 out of 5

Gone Baby Gone:
I liked the book when I read it earlier last year and I liked the movie. I was about ½ way through when I realized that I had read the book (I don’t like to read the envelopes that my movies come in from Netflix, it gives away too much about the plot. It was on this envelope that I would’ve seen the name Dennis Lehane, the author of the book, who also authored another book-turned-movie – Mystic River). This movie was directed by Ben Affleck. That’s where I think Ben should be – behind the camera. He’s a cutie, but I just don’t think he’s got the chops in front of the camera. But his brother, Casey was really good in this movie. He’s a little guy in stature but the role was great for him. He plays a street-wise, private detective who is called upon to solve the disappearance of a 4-year old girl who went missing in their, Boston-area community. I thought it was acted well and was also a good story. My son and I both enjoyed it, especially after watching Eye of the Beholder first! Also starring Michelle Monaghan as Patrick Kenzie’s (Casey Affleck) girlfriend/partner Angela Gennaro. Morgan Freeman, Ed Harris and Amy Madigan round out the cast.
3 out of 5

Friday, March 7, 2008

Treading Lightly

I bought a new treadmill on Wednesday night. I used Craigslist too! It’s my first Craigslist purchase and it went very well. I started treading last night and it worked really nicely. WWH even got on and ran a mile. I was jealous! It will be some time before I am actually running!

After we moved that monster treadmill into our house, we watched a movie called Hot Rod and then called it a night. I will review the movie below.

This weekend I will be a snowmobile widow again. WWH and his two buddies are going up north (Northern Wisconsin) this weekend, probably the last hoorah for snowmobiling in the state. I don’t have any plans either. I would like to start working on my photo album from the wedding. It being almost a YEAR later, it’s probably time to start.

Speaking of our wedding, I made reservations to rent the cabin we honeymooned in for the weekend of April 25th to celebrate our 1st anniversary. We were going to take another week off but with WWH taking a new job, he doesn’t have any vacation time yet. We made arrangements for our cake lady to make us a mini cake and we’ll take that with us!

But first up is WWH’s birthday! We are going mini-bowling, or duckpin bowling. It’s mini-lanes (short) mini-balls, no ugly shoes, real live pinsetters, it’s really a good time. All of WWH’s family and friends are coming to the 2nd annual event. That’s next weekend so I am trying to finalize the guest list so I know how many people are coming. There are only 4 lanes, and we can fit 6 on a lane, so there are usually around 30 of us, some bowl, some watch, but all of us have a great time. I will try to take some pictures this year!

Have a great weekend!

Movie Review:

Hot Rod: This is totally a “guy” movie. If you know a guy that when he was younger, spent any time on a dirtbike, making ramps in the back yard, or spent any time worshiping Evel Knievel, then they will love this movie. It’s only about 1 hour and 20 minutes long so I suffered through it with ease. It did have some funny crash scenes that made me laugh pretty hard.

The premise is this: A young man named Rod, thinks his dad was Evel Knievel’s stunt man. It was his dad that made all of Evel’s jumps BEFORE Evel came in, made the jump and got all the glory. A ridiculous premise but we are not talking oscar-winning here, just go with it. I won't spoil the possible laughs, but his choice of ride is very humorous!

Anyway, this young man needs to earn some money for his step-dad’s heart transplant operation and comes up with the idea of jumping a bunch of buses to raise the money.

The movie surprised me. I thought I would be suffering the whole time but it had me laughing and I didn’t go into it with many expectations so I did alright.
2.5 out of 5

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Spitting Dentist Remembered

Today on my itunes: Various. I took my playlist and hit shuffle. I’ve heard stuff today that I haven’t heard since I loaded it on my computer almost 4 years ago. It’s been fun! Right now it’s Flogging Molly.

Today at work, during my “allowed” down time, I caught up on my blog reading. It’s really too bad it is only Wednesday because I will be hard-pressed for things to do to keep me busy by Friday.

Anyway, I thought Elle’s entry from yesterday was amusing and it reminded me of my own dentist story.

I don’t like going to the dentist because one of the hygienists that I get is EXACTLY the same way as in Elle's story. No matter how great my teeth look, she alway comes with the negativity. But the funny story is really about my old dentist. At one point we had a dentist that spit while he talked to you – with your mouth wide open! He’s since retired to Arizona – good riddance with all the spitting! This guy had a few bad faults that I really didn’t ever notice until I referred a friend to him and he complained to me one night. The next time I went in I was disgusted at his habits and was horrified at the thought that I had missed it all for so long! Did I miss it all this time? I had a hard time believing that I - Me would've missed something so disgusting. Maybe my mind blocked it out? I may never know. Another bad habit would be when he would go out for a smoke right before the Hygienist was ready to have him check after a cleaning. Then with NO mask, come in and do a quick exam on you. NO MASK! I’m a smoker and it bothered me!

Along with the spitting dentist, his girlfriend, a hygienist named Kitty (yes, I said Kitty) was a buxom, blonde girl that when she smiled her whole face was teeth. Perfect, huge, white, teeth. I wonder what she had to do to get those teeth, how many times....oh never mind, it's too horrible to even think about! She was at least 10-15 years younger than him, clearly a 2nd wife candidate, and frankly he was no looker, so I never understood the attraction. I wasn't keen on her at first, she bent down at the waist to talk to me (I’m only 5’2”, she was around 5’ 6” – no giant mind you) like I was a little child.
I thought she was very condescending but she was like that with everyone and over time you realized that she was actually being very genuine. Also, she didn’t bitch at me about flossing but would actually tell me things like (in a very sing-song voice) “Oh! Joni! You are brushing so much better this time”. She always talked like that, always with the smile, and always surprised by everything. The friend whom I referred, called her Miss Kitty, a perfect name for her – a combo of a stripper and a kindergarten teacher.

Before I knew the two of them (The Dentist and Miss Kitty) were an item I went off on the dentist to Miss Kitty for his bad habits and the very next time he did an exam on me, he was wearing a mask! I told my friend this and he laughed and laughed and told me that the two of them were engaged! Always me and my big mouth! I couldn't have been the ONLY person to have said something - could I have been?

Now that they’ve moved, I kind of miss them. Not the spitting or the huge, white, teeth of course, but the fact that they knew me so well. And they knew that I was terrified of pain and did everything I needed so that I wouldn’t feel any pain, and usually didn’t charge “extra” for it.

My new dentists are okay. (It took TWO guys to replace the one spitter) They are both young, and a bit cocky for my taste. I had a cavity filled a few months ago and got the bill and saw a double charge for “extra” numbing agent. Why should I get charged “extra” when I can still feel pain? Is there such a thing as “extra”? If I feel pain then it’s NOT ENOUGH right? There is no such thing as "extra" is there? I should ask them that the next time I go in.

Did I use enough quotes for you this time? Here’s an “extra”! HA!

Today is payday and date-night. Nothing special planned for tonight, but maybe another movie, which means I will review it tomorrow.

Enjoy the day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Goodbye to Brett Favre

Bye Bye's like saying goodbye to an old friend...

Brett Favre, after 17 seasons (WOW!) is calling it quits. I'm happy for him, sad for our team. The Green Bay Packers have seen some incredible highs and lows. Brett's been part of them both. But he's always been there.

It will be very strange next year to watch a Packer game without him. I was priveledged to watch Brett play in two playoff games (at Lambeau Field) the year we went to the Super Bowl. The tickets were super pricey but worth every penny to watch him play.

The man was amazing, on and off the field. He's stumbled a bit - who hasn't - but all-in-all a player and a man that should be proud to be a role model.

Thank you for the best football memories a girl could have!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Mondays Suck (In General)

They really do.

Weekend Recap:
We had talked about going out to eat on Friday night but neither of us (read: me) felt like going anywhere. So we just hung out and watched a movie. (Reviews Following). Saturday, I went to get my hair cut and even treated myself to a manicure. Exciting - I know, but hey, it's a treat for me!

Also on Saturday, WWH tried (again) to go snowmobiling but his riding buddy's sled didn't want to cooperate. "One bolt", was what I was told when he came home only 2 short hours after leaving the house. Apparently a bolt that does something pretty darn important was missing and when they tried to replace it, nothing worked and after futile efforts, the ride was called off. He was pouting hard-core so I took him out to get a bar burger and to try to cheer him up. I was amazed at how many people were in our neighborhood tap at 3:30pm on a Saturday afternoon. And these were not young people, these people were OUR age, and drunk! I saw one 45+ year old lift her shirt. I couldn't help it, I had to squinch up my face with disgust - No one wants to see your 45+ year old boobies deary! Keep 'em to yourself please! Another movie followed.

Sunday we went out with Ma and Pa Keller to our local IHOP, that was an experience. Not that the food or service was bad - both where what I expected. But Ma and Pa went west to their IHOP and we went east to our IHOP! Thank goodness Ma figured it out and called us and they met us at our IHOP.

Then we went home and WWH chopped away at our ice skating rink (a.k.a. Our Driveway) and I finished some laundry and kept looking at my nails all day. Why can't I do that to my own nails? How much is manicurist school anyway? Maybe I could start a whole new career.....wait, they work Saturday's right....Nahhhhhh.

We watched the third movie in the afternoon and just relaxed.

Movie Reviews:
Feast of Love
I had never heard of this movie but it had Morgan Freeman and Greg Kinear in it so I thought it had to be at least tolerable. I was relieved to find out that it was a wonderful movie. A good message about LOVE. Awwwww...yes, it had some super sappy parts but I thought it was well worth the watch. WWH really liked it too!
3.5 out of 5 (I need to come up with some sort of symbol for this rating system).

We Own the Night
Anything with Mark Wahlberg and I'm all over it! I love that man! Anyway, back to the movie. Also starring Joaquin Phoenix and Eva Mendes, it's a story about 2 brothers - one is a night club manager and the other a cop. It was predictable where this was going - the night club owner (Joaquin) gets a warning from his cop brother (Marky Mark) that drug deals are going down and would he help out the cops by doing some informing. Also starring in this movie is Robert Duvall as the father of both boys and also the Deputy Chief. WWH liked it but I thought it was predictable and kind of boring save for the eye candy to look at.
2 out of 5

25th Hour
All the right actors for a fun movie viewing experience: Edward Norton and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Them there are some righteous acting chops. But no such luck on the movie. It wasn't horrible but there wasn't much there of any substance. It was directed/produced by Spike Lee and it should have been written by Mr. Lee as well. In the middle of the movie the lead actor (Edward) goes into this tirade that levels shots at all minorities, except of course the Irish, which is supposed to be one of. I think it was trying to be Spike Lee film but fell very short.
1.5 out of 5