Monday, March 31, 2008

Rainy Days and Nothing Much New

Not much going on today. This weekend was pretty normal (read: boring) as well. We ate dinner with my mom and step-dad on Friday night and then on Saturday afternoon we ate ham and rolls with WWH’s family to celebrate his dad’s 76th birthday. It all worked out fine. Some of the family played bingo, some did not. We were the did nots. We went to our friends house and tried to build a jigsaw puzzle that was a picture of Jerry Garcia. The only problem with that is that it was in black and white and each puzzle piece was a picture of Jerry or the band or whatever. It was a mosiac puzzle , so there are no distinct colors or lines in the puzzle to build it. I was cursed at quite a bit for the hour we worked on it, because I was the one who bought it for birthday gift. Then the four of us put the puzzle away and we played some cards for last bit of the evening. Sunday was boring household chores and just some lazing around.

Tonight we are watching part 4 of “John Adams”, an HBO mini-series. Like I said, nothing exciting at all.

Please send out your prayers for “Confessions of a CF Husband”. They thought they were getting a new pair of lungs this past weekend, but they did not work out. Check it out HERE.

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