Friday, March 28, 2008

Weekend Plans - Keller Birthdays

On iTunes today: Nothing
Gas Prices: $3.35

Not much going on today. Tonight is what I’m waiting for. We are going out with my parents tonight for dinner at The Quilted Bear. It’s a nice place and they serve good steak and seafood. Surf & Turf ! My Fav!

It is also my FIL’s birthday today. The IL’s are famous for their last-minute “Let’s get everyone together for _______ !”. Usually we change our plans or are just so boring that we don’t have any plans so we usually attend these last-minute get-togethers. Unfortunately, not this time. WWH should know the birthdays of his mother and father. I know mine! So when I scheduled this dinner with my folks, it was almost 3 weeks ago and when I asked WWH if that date was okay, he should’ve known better - A light bulb should have gone off - right?

So all week, I’ve been waiting for someone from WWH’s family to call us and say “Hey, it’s dad’s birthday this Friday, we should all go out to dinner or something…”. And all week, I’ve been dreading the idea of telling them that we already had plans.

So, what happens? You guessed it. WWH’s brother calls last night and says, “Hey it’s dad’s birthday tomorrow, we should take a cake over to their house on Saturday before they go play bingo to celebrate. What do you think?” Of course, since we don’t have any plans (I told you, we’re boring) for Saturday we are forced to say okay. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that we dodged a bullet there. We can do Saturday – whew!

So, all day long I’ve been dreaming of haystack onion rings, steak and lobster, and my mother’s buy-1-get-1 coupons (God Bless her coupons!). So, guess who emails me? Yep! It’s WWH’s sister the planner of all planners. She’s great about organizing get-togethers, splitting and collecting the money for a large check (when the Keller’s go out, we are a group of 10+), she’s the super organizer of all things Keller-related. Only one problem: These are her parents too! We were just together all of us for Easter, why wasn’t anything brought up then? I get an email from her at 2:15 (2:15 TODAY!) asking if we were stopping over at “dads” house tonight. I told her of our plans tonight and she emailed me back telling me that she totally forgot her dad’s birthday this year. I am shocked by that, especially from her! So she is trying to get everyone’s plans so we can all be there together. I suggested Hot Ham and Rolls (a Milwaukee staple) before they go play bingo. That will be nice. We could even pay for his bingo sheets as a present! I’m brilliant! I know!

Have a great and safe weekend!